Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Diary of Gallanor Orren: Entry 8

Dear Journal,

In just over two days of traveling, I have heard enough of Terrion's flatulence jokes that, if written, would fill the fill all the kingdom's libraries. I would have written more, but each time I sat to meditate, the sounds of his expulsions and gruff snickering haunted me.

I sense that I am being accepted. Alyana no longer sneers and rolls her eyes when we make eye contact. Talos told me several stories of battle alongside Kuro the shy, but wise wizard, Stovokor, the mighty reptilian warlord and military tactician, and Vaarin, the acrobatic Teifling, whose abrupt disappearance came as a shock to the party. I even managed to have a conversation with Getty, through Elwoz, about wildflowers found in the swamplands of Elwoz's home before it managed to descend into a hilarious argument between Elwoz and Getty about euphoria-inducing mushrooms. If you close your eyes, it sounds as if he is a complete madman, arguing with the wind. Even Corath was less rude, though he spoke very little.

The joy this brought me explains the guilt I feel for what followed.

When we arrived at the gates of Wellspring, the guards were slaughtered, the gate was shattered, and dead bodies littered the streets, forming a path to the Guild District.

I immediately shot toward the Red Rooster to see if Deirdre was safe. The other decided to follow the trail of corpses. When I arrived, patrons were huddled under their tables, and the bartender was behind the bar, shaking so hard that the glasses and bottles atop the bar were making an enormous racket. I confronted the bartender, who told me that Deirdre was across the square in the Mindspire.

I was relieved to find her alone in the temple, deep in concentration. My presence alerted her, and she explained, after a little coaxing, that she was performing a ritual secret to followers of Ioun to locate the Tear. She assured me she would be safe and that my services weren't needed at the moment; so I ran to join the others.

When I arrived at the Guild District, my allies were severely battered, and barely fending off the attacks of a few grell. I fired a blast at one of the grell and my mind went silent. The desire to aid my comrades was the only thought I had, and healing energy erupted all around me, invigorating and rejuviating my friends. We then swiftly defeated the beasts. Interestingly enough, among the dead was Elomir of the Stormcrows.

I prefaced this by saying I would feel guilt about this event, and I do. I ignored an obvious and present danger to selfishly silence my fears. As a result, I left my friends at a disadvantage. Luckily, they have given me no indication of disappointment.

Corellon has placed me with these people for a reason. I need to better manage my priorities.

We went back to the Red Rooster, where we learned that a Nighthawk was staying there this evening. We convinced the patrons to vacate the building under the ruse that we were exterminating rats. The owner wouldn't want us going after a customer, but we had to get them to leave to minimize casualties if a battle ensued.

Upstairs, we startled a man with a prostitute, and another patron who was having a issue with an excessive and violent "evacuation". We took positions and burst into the Nighthawks room where sat the corpse of Sirus above a small empty box. Fearing his vessel may not be vacant, I fired upon the body, knocking its head from its shoulders.

Fortunately for us, I remembered Deirdre's spell to speak with the dead. Sirus was not very pleased to see us, and refused to give us any information on the location of the Tear of Ioun. We convinced him that I would give him safe passage to the underworld by reciting a special prayer to the Raven Queen. He complied and, after the prayer, his spirit vacated his body. I am not sure if the prayer will be effective, and I couldn't care less. We learned through the arcane spirit left in his body that a mindflayer killed Sirus and absconded with the Tear.

We decided to take to the streets in pursuit. We thought we might find others who might have seen the beast make its escape.

A crowd was gathered outside the Inn, listening to a man on a stage in the square railing against the local authorities for their incompetence and negligence which led to the scourge now infesting this town. The man was quickly gaining the support of the crowd, as they cheered after every grievance he screamed across the square. With the current situation in this town, a riot was the last thing we needed. We decided to take the stage, where we were able to convince the crowd that it was patience, vigilance, and rational thought that would help us to prevail. We explained that fear, anger, and chaos would only serve to aid the enemy and destroy this town from within. I am thankful that we did not have to defend ourselves against a crowd of rabid townspeople.

The last people to be near Sirus were the people we chased from the upstairs rooms of the Red Rooster. Talos was able to track the prostitute to her home. As we went to ask her what she knew, Talos and Terrion walked over and spoke to a few nearby guards. The woman was of no help. She was going mad and beginning to mutate, as many townspeople were. However, Talos was able to obtain a document allowing us to investigate any crime scene in the town. This would prove much more useful if we were able to deduce a pattern in the places the enemy chose to strike.

We searched two crime scenes. The first was at the home of a tailor, where the man was abducted in the night. A piece of cloth from the Shadowfel was found near the scene. The second was in a temple of Bahamut, where a ritual was performed which defaced the altar with blood. We found a bone dagger nearby, which is used by creatures of the Foulspawn.

Talos overheard townspeople speaking of a crime which had yet to be reported. They spoke of another abduction from a nearby apartment building. We rushed to investigate. As we searched the rooms, we heard four approaching shadow creatures, which we were able to ambush. They were difficult to pin down, but we managed to defeat them. Among the carnage we found an ominous orb and some sort of rune. We discerned that the orb was a portal to the Shadowfel. I am unsure of the rune's purpose.

We have once again collected at the Red Rooster for some much-needed rest. We did well today to find clues among the mess within the town. The Shadowfel is no holiday destination. Now that we have access to that twisted world, we must be very careful. The danger surrounding these events seem to be growing more and more each day. Consequently, so does our resolve.

I ask Corellon to watch over us in the coming day. Bless my companions for their patience and acceptance, and keep Deirdre out of harm's way. I will do everything I can to see to this, and glorify the name of The Divine.

Until tomorrow, Journal.